Thursday, March 5, 2009

Its a ...

So most of you already know we are having a... BOY!! It's super exciting for me. I kinda figured that that is what it it was but I have been able to do some shopping now and get him a couple of things so it is more real now. We have actually known for a while but I have been a huge blog slacker. We are all sick at my house so it's been a lot of fun sitting on the couch watching my house get dirty :). I also got Carson's one year old pictures and they are so cute. I just can't believe how big and old he is. He can repeat everything now so we have to be really carefull about what we say around him. And by me, I mean Tyler. Let me just say that Carson can now say "pecker". I don't know what I'm going to do when I send him to nursury and he starts using his new vocabulary. Anyway I will try to do better on my posting and here are a couple of my faves of his pictures...

Thanks Ruth! Once again, you are amazing! Also I will be switching the blog to private at the end of next week. I just wanted to make sure that I got everyones email addresses before I did it.


  1. He is so cute! I love that outfit and I love the way they turned out. I'm sure you were behind the camera making a scene trying to get him to smile. :) I know that's what we do. hehe
