Friday, April 30, 2010

Watering Can Centerpiece- Part 1

I found this cute little watering can at Roberts the other day for 2 bucks. I thought it was cute so I picked it up and headed home to see what I could do to make it even cuter.
First thing I did was find some really cute paper to cover it. I just wanted it to go around the main part and the handles so I found 2 matching papers to add a little contrast and then got to work cutting around all of the little pieces of the can.
Next thing I did was mod podge the paper on. I left the spout alone, thought it had more personality that way. Then I took 3 distress inks (use whichever you think will look best with your paper) and rubbed it first around the edges (I always just use a paper towel) and then cover the rest of the paper, before finishing with a last coat of mod podge.  Sorry I don't have a ton of pics of the process, but this was a really simple project. And the finished project...

Stay tuned for part 2 :D

Find a full list of our linky parties here! Happy Crafting!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hey Jute

So I had this plain old boring lamp shade in my living room...
I know, right?
So I needed some inspiration and found this super cute lamp shade at PB
Simple, pretty, and I thought (enthusiastically to myself), "Sammy, you could totally do that!" And so then I did, kind of. I have to admit, though, I like mine better :D

To start out I took a ball of Jute and started by wrapping once around the top of the lamp shade and hot gluing it in place. Then I braided three strands together and glued that underneath the first piece of jute. I then used a single strand again and wrapped it around four times, making sure to glue it all in place, and then did one more braid underneath that.
Then I went to the bottom of the shade and did the same thing working my way up the lampshade, so the top and the bottom are opposite patterns. Make sense? You can probably make more sense from the picture. Also, an easy way I found to do the braids was to tie the ends of the jute with a piece of thread and hot glue it to the lamp shade, then braid and hot glue as you go along.
And when it's done it looks a little something like this...
Well, it was done for a second. But then I thought that it needed a little something extra. So I did this...
Just glued some pieces of jute in petal shapes (except I didn't glue down the top of the top petal onto the jute. I thought it was cute that way), and did a little swirly right in the middle. And I love this...

You can find all of the places we link up to here. Go check them out. They Rock!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cute things to Remember

My boys are growing up so fast I just wanted to put a couple of things on here so I would remember them.

The other day we were getting ready to leave and it was cold outside so I ran and grabbed a scarf and I was putting it on and Carson came up to me and goes, "Oh mommy, you look so handsome! Give me a hug." Oh I'm in love with that boy :D

We were watching the bunny cartoons (which are the Pixar Short Films) and it got over and Carson came over and climbed into my lap and goes, "Mommy I don't want to watch Grey's Anatomy." Hahaha! It's not even like I watch it all the time!

He likes to have bread for breakfast. Every morning he says, "MOMMY I NEED A PIECE OF BREAD! But don't cook it." So no, he doesn't want toast, just bread.

And then as I turn to leave, "WAIT, MOMMY, WAIT! I, um, uh, I, um, I need some green juice too." Why green? Who knows.

At night he likes to come cuddle with me on our recliner, and he will lay in my lab and he strokes my face and goes, "Close your eyes mommy, just go to sleep." While his eyes are starting to get really heavy.

Now Declan, he's a clapper. Any time anything gets really loud or someone gets excited he gets a huge grin on his face and just starts clapping. And he's good at it too!

He's got 6 teeth now!

Sometimes in the morning if he wakes up and I'm not ready to get up yet I will just go get him and go lay back in my bed. Well the other morning I guess he didn't want to go back to sleep so he just layed there and started making noises like he was clearing his throat. I just kinda ignored him thinking he would go back to sleep and then he started making popping noises with his mouth (like he's blowing spit bubbles, but without the spit bubbles). He just did this for a really long time and I finally looked down at him and he was just staring at me with the goofiest grin ever (seriously you should see it!), needless to say we hopped out of bed to go play.

He can say (in order of learning) dada, mama, papa (grandpa), and baba (bottle).

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just a note

Just wanted to let all of my friends know that we are hosting a giveaway on my blog Scraps N' Strings over there on the right, so if you want to go enter to win you can get a super cute apron or an adorable car seat tent. :D