Thursday, May 22, 2008


So since we didn't get to do much last week on our anniversary, Tyler and I decided to drive down to Yellowstone for the day. It was a beautiful sunshiney day and there were about 2 feet of snow. It was CRAZY!! haha... Anyway, we saw some pretty cool things, some Elk,some more elk,

, Old Faithful,

and tonz of buffalo.While on one of the nature paths we came across one right next to the boardwalk which proceded to run at me at full speed and try to gorge me. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but it really did scare me and I had to walk away very quickly to avoid sure death. We saw a bald eagle on the way out, but what we did not see was any bears or wolves (and here I was thinking that there was a problem with wolf overpopulation...). So to be able to see some we went to a bear and wolf habitat to see some in cages, though I think Tyler enjoyed more taking pictures of the poor dead stuffed bears.
But the party came afterward when we got to sit in a real bear trap (where I, naturally, did "Bear Face"),
try on some sweet duds,

and end the day sitting on a huge stuffed bear bench. Thanks for the adventure Tyler, I had a blast and I love you! Cheers!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary

It's a day late but yesterday Tyler and I celebrated our 2 year mark! It's been an amazing 2 years and I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate him. He got me a sweet digital frame that I have yet to upload any pics onto and I got him a really neat painting that I thought he would really appreciate (above). Anyway, it was great and here's hoping for many many more years just like the last 2, (except maybe with a little less of the unexpected sickness things)!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Well happy mother's day to all of you mom's out there and all of you soon to be moms. This mother's day we decided to do some pics for Carson's grandma's so I thought I'd put them on here cuz they turned out so cute. Thanks Ruth for being so awesome and doing these for us. You are amazing!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So we got this new chair for Carson called a bebePod Plus and it's supposed to help him learn to sit up. Anyway it has this toy on it and I got a video of him playing with it and I thought it was funny so I thought I'd post it...