Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Super Eventful Morning

So this morning was very eventful at the Richins house. Tyler left for guard early this morning and I was super excited to go to my mom's house to get some pictures of Carson (I am redoing my livingroom, but more on that later...). I got all ready and went to put Carson in the tub so that he would be nice and fresh for his pics. Well for the first time ever, he pooped in the tub. It wasn't too bad and I just got some TP, scooped it out and threw it in the toilet. Well when I turned back around to grab my babe out of the tub, it was filled... FILLED!! with poop. EEWWWWW!!! So I hurry and whip him out and start draining the tub out so I can clorox it and I get some paper towels to start scooping the shiz up. I throw it all in the toilet and go to flush and it clogs my toilet and floods my bathroom! WE DON'T OWN A PLUNGER!!! So I mop up what I can, clean the freak out of my tub, and give Carson another quick bath. Since we live in Shelley there are no stores open on Sundays except for Kings, so I pack Carson up and we hurry over to buy a plunger. Well the only plunger that they have in the entire store is a sink plunger that is, say, 9 inches long, but seeing as it was my only option, I buy it and head home. It took me a while with the stupid little plunger, but I was finally able to fix my toilet and my bathroom is now back in clean working order. It was an adventure, and Carson is as happy as ever. I just want to say that I hope every single person reading this had a better morning than I did :oD!


  1. Im so glad that another little boy poops in the tub too! Ryker did that every day for a week straight!! So i feel your pain! Thankfully are bath tub is poop free and has been for a little over as year now!!

  2. He he he!!! I love it!! I can picture is all now!!
