Friday, October 16, 2009

Pie Recipe!!

Ask and ye shall recieve :D This recipe is so easy! There's not actually cookie dough in it but it tastes just like there is...

Cookie Dough Pie

1 package of Chips Ahoy (the original kind)
glass of milk
8-10 oz Cool Whip (the more the better I say)
Hershey's syrup

Alrighty, what you need to do is take an 8 or 9 inch pie dish. Now what you do is you start taking the cookies and dipping them completely in milk.  Remove them quickly and drip off any extra milk. Layer these on the bottom of the dish, breaking up cookies to fill in the gaps. Once you have the bottom of the dish covered, do a thin layer of cool whip. Repeat this process twice more making the top layer of cool whip extra thick. So there should be a total of 3 layers of each. Lastly, make a spiral pattern with the Hershey's syrup on top and then use a toothpick (or a butterknife like I did) to draw a supa sweet pattern on top of the pie.  Freeze for about 2 hours and dig in. Delish!

Please to enjoy. Oh and Jessica you should add me on to your blog. My email is!


  1. Thanks for the great update! It is so fun to see your cute little family and to see how you use your many talents. I love the pictures, keep them coming! I miss you all terribly already but I guess we will stay here for a while.
    Love you, Babe!

  2. Sammy- Thanks for the receipe and yes I will add you to my blog. I get internet up at my house tomorrow! Thanks for your e-mail!
