Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Picture this

No sorry this is not an actual picture. Instead it is a mental picture for all to enjoy. I was heading out to my mom's house today and bundled Carson and myself up (bundled being coats) and headed outside. It has been steadily raining all day and was still as I shut my door to leave. So I went to get in my jeep and it was locked so I went to get my keys to unlock it and I didn't have them! I was locked out of my car and my house. So, plan A, I went to get our spare key from above the garage and it was gone. I was going to just call my mom and have her come pick me up, but with the rain and all I didn't want my babe to have to wait outside in the cold. Luckily I was doing laundry today so our back window was open (there is a reason for this but it's not really relevant to this story...). Anyway, so I open the window as wide as it goes, which is a little over a foot, lay my coat over the windowsill and lower Carson into the house. Then with all the gumf I can manage I lift my huge, and I promise you I am huge, self into the window to the laundry room and onto a huge pile of crap and baby and retrieved my keys to get out and onto my day. Someday I am going to actually have a planned adventure that I am going to love and enjoy. Until then, I am just going to continue having my own!


  1. Your so funny! I had to do that once, I was at the guy locked my keys in the car, Paul was at work so I walked home (2miles) and got home and my keys were still in the car so no keys to get into the house, Found a open bathroom window and climbed in! Good thing for open windows!!

  2. I love this!! I can atcually picture this!! And yes I am laughing!! Sorry!

  3. You keep us laughing that is for sure! What adventures you have, but you seem to always come out okay so that is good.

  4. You have the best stories, funny!

  5. FUNNY! i really think you should get a picture of yourself up so we can really "picture" this story even better. C'MON!

    btw... cute name for boy #2. having 2 boys is awesome! and i was also measuring big for a while, but now i'm at a more appropriate size. PHEW! out of curiosity... how big was carson?

  6. How funny I wish there was an actually picture. Cause I haven't seen you in forever and I can't picture you hung. You have 2 months left right? I can't believe it. I want to see some pictures of you and how cute you look.
