Oh my, has it been a while. Trying to figure out 3 kids, schedules, and the impossible task of trying to keep my house in some sort of order (not going so well), who has time to blog! But I love being able to look back on here and see what my life was like! My kiddos are growing like crazy, and I feel like they are changing so much every day. I need to give a little update on all of them so I have it on record.
First up there is Carson.
This boy is such a little man. He is the sweetest kid you'll ever meet, and the biggest little shiz on the planet. He loves to make people laugh and absolutely love love loves his little sister. And ears. He really loves ears. He started preschool in September and is doing awesome. He knows all of his letters, can write most of them, he can write his name, and he's working now on sounding out words. It still amazes me every time he reads a word by himself! He's starting to be a big help around the house and does really well picking up his toys, helping make dinner, and helping with the laundry. He still makes more of a mess then he cleans up, but he is definitely doing better. He really enjoys anything Batman, or any superhero, really, and singing. He especially loves singing I Am A Child of God. While using the bathroom. At church. He is just at such a fun age.
Now to Declan
This boy is just the funniest thing. I don't know the number of times that I have walked into nursery to find him surrounded by his 6 nursery leaders just laughing at him while he is putting on a show. He has started talking so much and just loves to make everyone around him laugh. He is best friends with his big brother, loves superman and Puss in Boots, and is definitely a daddy's boy. He wakes up so happy every morning and hasto go around and tell everyone hi and give out hugs. This boy is definitely a lover!
And little Chandlee
This little girl is such a sweet baby. She is so cuddly and loves to be held and talked to. I can't believe that she is going to be 6 months on the 12th, and it feels like time has just flown by. She is rolling over both ways, and is trying to push herself around. I think that she is going to be up and moving before the boys did. She likes to talk and gives out smiles freely, but she doesn't just hand out laughs. You have to work hard for them.
Life is crazy and fun and busy and I never know what is going to happen day to day, and I absolutely love it. Life is good :)