Monday, December 15, 2008

Sorry for the long post!!

He just looks so old in this picture :(

So my baby turned a year old on Thursday! It was really exciting but it was also kinda sad. I can't believe he is a year old already. I can't believe how fast it went by. It was an eventful day. We were planning to have a party with both mine and Tyler's family, but I got a call that morning that my mom was in the hospital. She had a super bad case of vertigo and ended up being admitted stayed there overnight. Carson and I spent a few hours up at the hospital while my mom was doped up on whatever it was that they gave her and he was sooo good. So instead of having a big party, we went over to Tyler's parents house and just had a little one with their family. Allyson was so awesome and she made Carson a cake for me cuz I ended up being a little more busy that day then I had planned.So then on Sunday we did a party at my parents house with my side of the family. I don't have pictures from that yet but as soon as I do I will post them.

On Friday I took Carson in and had his one year check up. He is 29 inches tall and 21 lbs. He is in the 20th percentile on his height, the 40th percentile on his weight, and the 60th percentile on his head. haha. I guess that we don't have any choice except for him to take after the Richins. :D. Oh well. He is still just so stinking cute, I just love this kid. He is getting so big. He says mama and dada and he will say "Hey!!" to you when you walk into a room. He loves doing what an indian does (you know, the old "patting your mouth while saying ahhhh" trick). But he still won't walk. He can, he has great balance and if you can by some miracle get him to stand, he squats and lowers himself slowly to the ground, but he is such a scaredy cat! Oh well, he will figure it out eventually. Anywho, I hope all is well with all. Again, sorry for such a long post. Merry Christmas!!!