Thursday, July 31, 2008
Memory Game!
Alright so this game has been on lots of blogs lately and looks way fun so I'm jumping on the band-wagon! I have so many awesome memories from all of my buddies back in high school from getting burried in the park with Sharla in fourth grade, to riding down Amber's stairs on the baby matresses and watching the Change-ling and being afraid of that rocking chair in her basement because it looked like the wheelchair in the movie, to playing dance dance revolution with Lindsay at Gameworld while the people who were experts at it just watched us (probably ashamed) waiting for us to get off, to all of us cruising down 17th St. blasting Avril Lavigne! You guys were all such a huge part of my life and have all helped make me into the person that I am today and I am so greatful to each one of you for being such awesome friends to me, both then and now, though we don't see each other often enough. So now it's your turn! If you have any sweet memories of us let me know so I can read them and laugh, cuz man, those were some good times!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Carson has been fussy for like 4 days, and last night I think he reached his breaking point and refused to be calmed down. I was sure that he was teething but no one believed me and they thought that I just wanted him to be teething really bad. But then he woke up this morning and TA-DA!! He had a tooth!! It is his front bottom tooth on the right side. Now I need to go get him that steak I promised him for getting a tooth! YEAH!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
My bad...
So Tyler just informed me that it is not, in fact, a Laker's car, but a Minnesota Vikings car... Who's to know?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Go Lakers!!
So a couple of years ago I was driving down S. 25th by Sandcreek Golf Course and I came across this car that was completely decked out in purple and gold with a Laker's logo on the hood in the golf course parking lot. I drove past it many many times in the following months, but only when I was alone in the car. I told my family about it because I thought it was really funny, but anytime I had one of them with me it was never there. Then last summer the car was gone. I was completely devestated and I think that perhaps my family thought that I was making it up. Then today I went in to town with my sister-in-law Ruth and low and behold what did I see in the Sandcreek parking lot, but the Laker's car that had disappeared so long ago. I was so excited I had Ruth rush into the parking lot so that I could take pictures to show the world in hopes that they would enjoy it as much as I have. Here it is...
I don't know if you can tell, but in that back window there, there's a Lakers bobblehead doll. And also the seat covers in front are Lakers jerseys. hahahahaha. It is so sweet, and I don't even like basketball....
So I just wanted to make a quick post... We just found out yesterday that Cody (my older brother) and Ruth are having a boy!!! Nobody was as excited as Carson about this news. Or as excited as I'm sure he would be if he had any idea what was going on! So that will make 2 girls and 2 boys so Carson won't have to be outnumbered and he will have someone to help him defend himself when Keilah and Taylie want to dress him up like a girl, cuz we all know that that's going to happen!! Congratulations guys!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Summer Fun!!
I can't quite decide if I am greatful for this hot weather or if I would rather it be cold again, but either way we have been having a lot of fun so far. My mom bought a new pool for the babies to play in so we went over on Sunday and got some cute pics
Little Slugger
I also finally got some pictures of Carson in his baseball outfit that I made him for the Shelley games this year, (I guess I should call it a uniform, it's more manly :) ), with his Uncle Chase. What a fabulous uncle he is. He just loves Carson and I know that Carson is going to have a blast hanging out with him when he is old enough to play!!
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